Accreditation Acc/Re-Accreditation Fee
Acc/Re-Accreditation Fee
The competent authority has approved the revised Fee structure for the Accreditation/Re-accreditation and other visitation of PEC teams for each Undergraduate Engineering Programmes per Campus. The details are as follows:
Sr.No | Type of Accreditation Visits | Fee (Rs) |
1 | Zero Visit: Prior approval assessment to start a new program | 500,000/- |
2 | Interim | 150,000/- |
3 | Accreditation/ Re-Accreditation | 300,000/- |
4 | Confirmatory | 150,000/- |
5 | Change of Scope: An increase in the student enrollment | 150,000/- |
6 | Change-of-Scope: A change in the scope of the program / curriculum / nomenclature / legal status / location | 150,000/- |
7 | Change-of-Scope: Addition of new stream/ specialization in the program’s scheme of study | 150,000/- |
8 | Appeal: Full fee be charged as applicable on the type of visit as above |
9 | Un-Scheduled/ Periodic: Actual cost of Transportation and Boarding/ Lodging |
The Revised Fee is effective from 29th December, 2016.