PEC HQ will remain open on 13th & 14th July 2024 (09:00AM – 05:00PM) to receive nomination papers.

Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

Accreditation Procedure

Steps in Accreditation Process

STEP 1:SAR submitted to PEC Secretariat; first scrutiny carried out by PEC Accreditation Department as per the qualifying requirements, and the Institution is asked to provide any further data/information, if required. This step is considered complete when the SAR along with all the requisite data is available with PEC Secretariat.
STEP 2: Visit planning, scheduling and selection of visitation team by PEC EAB. Visitation Team is provided with SAR along with the archives of previous accreditation reports and last EAB decision, if any, for the program. PEC representative will coordinate with team members and the institute for providing any additional information, if required.
STEP 3: Pre-visit meeting conducted, On-site visit starts with a meeting with Head of the Institution, following the visit schedule, i.e. presentation by the program head, visit to Laboratories, Libraries, Workshops, and other Infrastructure/Facilities, meeting with administrative staff, faculty, students and other stakeholders such as alumni, employers, parents.
STEP 4:Exit meeting with the Management, Principal/Deans to briefly share the strengths and weaknesses of the program. At this stage the institution may decide to withdraw the program from consideration for accreditation.
STEP 5:Discussion among team members followed by compilation of Visit Report and submission to EAB. EAB also sends a copy of the report to the institution without team’s recommendations. These recommendations are for the considerations of EAB decision.
STEP 6:Institution may submit Rejoinder/Comments on the report within 30 days of its receipt. If the Institutional rejoinder is not received by the due date, it will be assumed that the Institution agrees to the observations of the Team.
STEP 7:Consideration of the Report and the Rejoinder by EAB’s ADM for final decision.
STEP 8:Communicating the Accreditation Decision to PEC GB/Chairman and the concerned Institution, uploading on PEC website, followed by Gazette Notification (SRO) for the benefit of the public.