Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

Violation Penalties

Penalties Pertaining to Violations on Pec Admission Criteria & Intake Policies as Approved by 23rd Pec Governing Body

PEC Governing Body in its 23rd meeting held on Oct 07, 2015 at PEC HQ has approved the subject policy pertaining to penalties on various violations observed in admission criteria and intake policy of PEC. The proposed penalties are devised in two categories:


  • Admission in violations before Fall-2015 batches
  • Admission in violations w.e.f Fall-2015 and onwards

The details are here for your information and necessary compliance to report PEC by October 30, 2015 positively in order to regulate your programs and students enrolled for the purpose of Accreditation/Registration or otherwise. HEIs are also advised to submit details of student enrollment data within one month of commencement of session/classes after admission, as per provided format.

HEIs are strictly advised to adhere with PEC policies, regulations, and accreditation criteria so that the ultimate objective of improved quality of engineering education and competency of graduating engineers could be achieved.