PEC HQ will remain open on 13th & 14th July 2024 (09:00AM – 05:00PM) to receive nomination papers.

Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

Pakistan Engineering Council

Regulating the Engineering Profession

CPD Recognition of Foreign Institutions

Mechanism for recognition of CPD from Foreign Institutions/ Universities/ Professional Organizations

The mechanism for recognition/ acceptance of CPD activities acquired by the PEs (Professional Engineers) and REs (Registered Engineers) from foreign institutions/ universities/ professional organizations is based on following criteria:


  1. CPD bodies/ institutions/ universities recognized or registered by the equivalent registration/ licensing bodies including Member Economies of International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA).
  2. CPD activities acquired from the institutions/ universities having accredited engineering programs by equivalent accrediting bodies as FEANI, EC_UK, ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), and Member Economies of Washington Accord.
  3. CPD activities acquired from recognized educational institutions/ universities, from the relevant forum (HEC, Education Ministry, etc.)
  4. Established and recognized Professional Bodies like American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) etc.
  5. Established and recognized technical organizations
  6. Distance learning will only be accepted based on defined criteria internationally acceptable.
    1. Subject area of CPD activity
    2. Objectives and scope
    3. Mode of delivery
    4. Assessment mechanism
    5. Evaluation process
  7. For engineers acquiring CPD through above said system(s) will deposit Rs 2000/-(Rupees two thousand only) per CPD return plus verification fee, if applicable, as per actual.
  8. The CPD activities would have the same CPD credit points and meaning as given in the PDE Byelaws 2008.