CPD Registration of Professional Engineering Bodies
Registration of Professional Engineering Bodies
Conduct of Continuing Professional Development Activities
Under Section 16 of SRO 1310(I)/2008, Professional Development of Engineers, the Governing Body shall ensure and manage the professional development of engineers in terms of its obligation under the Act. The Engineering Professional Development Committee (as per Section 15) shall administer the professional development activities according to specified criteria and guidelines laid down by the Council. Professional institutions and associations, CPD academies, engineering universities or colleges and private institutions, registered by the Council may impart CPD in coordination with the Committee. All these institutions, associations and other bodies shall be known as Professional Engineering Bodies (PEBs) in terms of Clause (xxiv) of Section 2 of the Act. The Council shall ensure that the responsibilities outsourced to these bodies are carried out in a fair, equitable and responsible manner without any profit motives. The Council retains the right to withdraw any outsourced responsibility from a registered PEB if the circumstances so require. Registration of Professional Engineering Bodies (PEBs) shall form the basis of imparting effective CPD to Engineers of relevant field, thereby playing a pivotal role in mentoring the engineering profession. The registration of PEBs will be based on assessment/review ascertaining the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in terms of standards, functioning, efficient management system, an effective self-assessment process, and trained and experienced manpower to achieve the purpose of professional development.
- An initial detailed review progressively focusing on support rather than compliance;
- Focus on qualification, training and experience of people involved and procedures evolved for management and conduct of proceedings with emphasis on self-assessment; and
- Review based on demonstrated and appropriately documented material
- Government/Semi-Government/Private Chartered Institutions;
- Autonomous and registered Professional Body in good standing;
- Shared objectives and compliance with PEC Act, Bye-laws (Section 16 of Bye-laws), regulations, etc.;
- Preference shall be given to those organizations which have all/most of the necessary infrastructure of their own; and
- Willing to be a registered member as a PEC Professional Engineering Body and pay a prescribed fee regularly to remain in good standing
- Receipt of Application for registration on prescribed form along with fee, if any;
- Analysis and clarifications on the application by PEC;
- If needed and approved by EPDC, visit to be conducted by Experts’ Panel approved by EPDC and submission of Experts’ Report to EPDC;
- Approval for registration in regular meetings of EPDC;
- Based on approval, formal certificate of registration be issued by EPDC;
- The whole process to be completed within three (03) months;
- Registration valid up to three (01) years;
- After expiry of registration period, the above registration procedure is to be repeated.
- Renewal Fee shall be applied on annual basis.
Guidelines for Registration of CPD Bodies with PEC
All the Professional Bodies interested to join for imparting CPD activities, may apply for registration with PEC while adhering to the provision of CPD Byelaws especially Section 16 and the defined criteria (Section 3.3). The professional bodies named PEBs would apply on the prescribed form along with fee and necessary documents to PEC. Any institute or body having more than one campus, would require a separate registration/ evaluation process. The major parameters to be evaluated might be included but not limited to the followings:
- Management of the Institute/ Organization
- Mission and Objectives
- Infrastructure and Physical Resources
- Human Resources – Resource Persons and Staff
- Area(s) of Interest for CPD Activities
- Major Achievements – Past CPD activities and experiences
All PEBs will provide a yearly CPD schedule to PEC/ EPDC for information and record until 1st December of the preceding year. If anything is found unbalanced in the CPD schedule/ activities then PEC may ask for clarification(s). After which, The CPD activities will include but are not limited to the activities defined in CPD Byelaws Section 15 (www.pec.org.pk). The final CPD activity schedule will be uploaded on PEC and respective PEB websites.
The concerned PEB will send to PEC a verified list of the participants within two weeks of holding the CPD activity for verification of the CPD returns to be filed by the candidates. The format of the CPD Yearly Calendar, CPD Returns of Participants, and CPD Returns of Resource Person(s)/ Event Organizer(s) are given in Appendix A, B and C, respectively. The format of the CPD Certificate is enclosed as Appendix-D.
Fee Structure for PEB Registration and Engineer’s CPD Returns
The following fee would be applicable to the PEBs for registration with PEC:
S.No | Type of Organization/ Institution | New Registration Fee | Renewal Fee |
1 | All public sector institutions/ universities/ academies (government, semi-govt, autonomous) | Rs.20,000/- | Rs.10,000/- |
2 | All private sector institutions/ universities/ academies/ associations | Rs.20,000/- | Rs.10,000/- |
Mechanism for recognition of CPD from Foreign Institutions/ Universities/ Professional Organizations
The mechanism for recognition/ acceptance of CPD activities acquired by the PEs (Professional Engineers) and REs (Registered Engineers) from foreign institutions/ universities/ professional organizations is based on the following criteria;
- CPD bodies/ institutions/ universities are recognized or registered by the equivalent registration/ licensing bodies like NCESS, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), etc.
- CPD activities are acquired from the institutions/ universities having accredited engineering programs by equivalent accrediting bodies such as FEANI, EC_UK, ABET, BEM, or Washington Accord members.
- CPD activities acquired from recognized educational institutions/ universities, from the relevant forum (HEC, Education Ministry, etc.)
- Established and recognized Professional Bodies like the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), etc.
- Established and recognized technical organizations
- Distance learning will only be accepted based on defined criteria internationally acceptable.
- Engineers acquiring CPD through the above-said checklist will deposit Rs 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) per CPD return plus verification fee, if applicable, as per actual.
- The CPD activities would have the same CPD credit points and meaning as given in the CPD Byelaws 2008.